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The intense preparation required for elite female athletes may impact their fertility, leading many to consider egg freezing.

Training, often characterized by high intensity and long duration, can sometimes disrupt hormonal balance and potentially affect menstrual cycles. This disruption could result from physical demands, weight fluctuations, or stress.

Egg freezing is an option for athletes who wish to have a backup plan for potentially starting a family, either during their sports career or afterwards. This procedure allows them to keep the eggs at the age and quality at the time of the freezing.

Doctor Anabel Salazar, a gynaecologist at IVI clinic, notes that intense physical activity might lead to absence of menstruation due to an imbalance between caloric intake and energy expenditure, which can affect ovarian function. Ensuring proper nutrition and understanding female physiology are considered essential for maintaining hormonal balance and supporting long-term fertility.

Athletes are advised to seek medical guidance to plan for potential motherhood. Egg freezing may provide the opportunity to pursue both a successful sports career and future maternal goals without compromising either.