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FertiCare Prague can offer you a comprehensive donor program with no wait times. Your treatment can begin as soon as you complete the initial examinations. Fertility treatments using donor gametes can be done with: egg donation, sperm donation and embryo donation.

Egg donation

Women that have troubles or are not able to conceive with oocytes of their own, can contact us for our egg donation fertility treatment.

In the Czech Republic, where Ferticare is base, the process of egg donation is both legal and very strictly regulated.
Among other things, we have donors of eggs that are women in the age of 18 to 34, well educated (university mostly) or young mothers.

Donor women at Ferticare have all gone through a variety of required examinations  and we also work with genetic screening and of coures STD testing (syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV, etc.). Transparency and professional service is very important to us.

Egg donation is an IVF / ICSI procedure, using an anonymous donor. Apart from the eggs or embryos used, the remaining ones from the procedure can be stored by cryoconservation.



Egg donation - stories of our donors


Happy IVF parents

Sperm donation

In case pregnancy cannot be achieved because of infertility on the side of male partner, we can offer our sperm donation program to our clients.

Same as in case of egg/embryo donation, the process of sperm donating is both legal and well regulated in the Czech Republic where Ferticare is based.

Our donors are well educated and of proper age (from 18 to 34).

Of course they are all tested for their health (for example STD testing - HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, syphilis).


Embryo donation

Embryo donation is a process applied when pregnancy cannot be achieved using sperm from the partner or the patient’s own oocytes.

Same as in the case of egg donation we use our system of suitable donors, waiting times are minimal.

Under Czech and EU legislation, embryo donation is a completely legal act. The procedure and treatment is the same as in the case of donor oocytes and sperm.

We take special care in choosing donors based on the desired phenotype parameters of our clients.



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